My Creative Outlet

Blog of my thoughts and feelings about my life in general and about my hobbies in specific.

Friday, August 18, 2006

S.C.A.R.E. - South Carolina Awareness and Rescue for Equines

Make a difference in the lives of abused or neglected horses by volunteering or making a donation S.C.A.R.E. - South Carolina Awareness and Rescue for Equines.
A friend of mine who is getting married this year gave me a very wonderful idea. Instead of wedding gifts, I'm considering encouraging our guests to make a donation to S.C.A.R.E. or a similar charity organization. Especially since we are not really lacking in any of the household necessities. We have both been living on our own for quite a few years and therefore have all the "stuff" we need.
Since my love for animals is such a large part of my life, this would be a very thoughtful "gift" for my friends and family to give us on the most special day of our relationship together. However, my fiance doesn't love horses as much I do :) so maybe he can choose a more appropriate charity or organization to which he would prefer donations to be made in his name. This would also give the added bonus of allowing our guests a choice of charities to which to make their donations.


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