My Creative Outlet

Blog of my thoughts and feelings about my life in general and about my hobbies in specific.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Wedding Etiquette

The engagement announcements I ordered came in over the weekend. I'm extremely pleased with how they turned out. They were ordered from The American Wedding Album. The company did a very good job and the announcements were delivered much quicker than I expected them to be. The announcements still need chiffon ribbon tied around them, which I will order soon. Now I just have to decide if I want to try to address the envelopes with a calligraphy pen, or if I just want to fudge it and write them with a regular pen. I bought a beginner's calligraphy kit and had a fun time trying it, but I would definitely need a lot of practice to have anything I did turn out OK.

Hopefully we'll take our engagement pictures over Easter weekend. I want to include a photo of us in the announcement. I don't know if this is against proper etiquette but I don't think it will matter much. Not much about my wedding is going to be normal anyway. I'm more interested in make our wedding fun and unique rather than following some outdated rules of etiquette.


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