My Creative Outlet

Blog of my thoughts and feelings about my life in general and about my hobbies in specific.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

UFOs- Unfinished Objects

Been trying to go through all the crochet projects I've started and never finished and to decide whether they are worth finishing. I have a lot more than I first realized. And a lot more yarn for projects I never started too. The majority are simply projects I was working skein by skein and need more yarn in order to complete them. The "convenience" of working with no-dye lot yarn.
Other projects I just got tired of and never got back around to finishing. Or like the Christmas sweater I started last year and the season passed before I could finish it the first time around. I've gained a little weight so hopefully it will still fit when I do finish it. If not it will make a nice gift this year.


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