My Creative Outlet

Blog of my thoughts and feelings about my life in general and about my hobbies in specific.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Cute Idea

I had a cute idea for a sweater done in mini granny squares, but it is giving me fits trying to develop a pattern to match what I saw in my head. I've frogged it so many times. Don't want to scrap it, but I just can't get the sleeves to do what I want. I love how the body of the sweater turned out. It's perfect. Just can't seem to get the sleeves how I imagined them. I hate not to use the extra skein of yarn that I bought a few days ago specifically so I would have enough yarn to do long sleeves. Especially since that was the reason I was making the sweater in the first place - to use up some of the yarn from my stash. Now I'll have more yarn in my stash than I did before I started this sweater. Hmmmmm...

Well, one way or the other it's going to be declared finished this weekend. Even if I have to leave it sleeveless. Which is looking more and more likely :)


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