My Creative Outlet

Blog of my thoughts and feelings about my life in general and about my hobbies in specific.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Digital Photography Forum

My desire to improve my photography skills has prompted me to join a Digital Photography Forum in order to share my photos with other amateur photographers and to get input on my images. My gallery in this forum can be found through this link. Feel free to comment on or critique any of my images. If you are not a member of the forum you can send your comments directly to me through my website. All comments and constructive criticism are welcome and appreciated.

I've been playing with the settings on my new Canon 20D and this image is the outcome. The apeture settings are complicated and it took me a while to get the angle of the shot the way I wanted it, but I'm very pleased with the turnout. The possiblities that this camera has opened up to me has greatly increased my appreciation of photography. My own personal critique of this photo can be found here. This photo also has the distinction of being the first image taken with my new camera to be added to my photography website.

The extra lens EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM has arrived. I have yet to try it out except for a cursory examination. The zoom on this lens is quite amazing - at least to my limited knowledge. My trip to the Columbia zoo on Friday will be vastly improved due to this lens.


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