My Creative Outlet

Blog of my thoughts and feelings about my life in general and about my hobbies in specific.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I’ve been kind of depressed all day today. Even being at work and away from all that’s going on really didn’t help any, at least not as much as it usually does. I’ve been home by myself with just my little dog for about an hour now and I feel much better. It’s truly amazing how animals can uplift your spirits. Just sitting in the same room with Max makes me feel at peace with myself. He’s such a sweet little dog and he always knows when I don’t feel well. He wants to just sleep at my feet or in my lap whenever I’m not having a good day. Animals are such precious gifts. It’s beyond me how people can be cruel to them.
I made a pan of cornbread (his favorite) and we’re just relaxing and watching TV. He really is a lot of company. Everyone should have a pet. It would make the world a much better place.


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