My Creative Outlet

Blog of my thoughts and feelings about my life in general and about my hobbies in specific.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

UFOs- Unfinished Objects

Been trying to go through all the crochet projects I've started and never finished and to decide whether they are worth finishing. I have a lot more than I first realized. And a lot more yarn for projects I never started too. The majority are simply projects I was working skein by skein and need more yarn in order to complete them. The "convenience" of working with no-dye lot yarn.
Other projects I just got tired of and never got back around to finishing. Or like the Christmas sweater I started last year and the season passed before I could finish it the first time around. I've gained a little weight so hopefully it will still fit when I do finish it. If not it will make a nice gift this year.

Baked Honey Mustard Chicken

Tried the Baked Honey Mustard Chicken recipe from for dinner last night. Wonderfully simple recipe. Took me almost no time to prepare. The flavor of the chicken was sweet with just a little kick. Definitely a repeat meal!
I'm having the most fun cooking with this website. It has plenty of simple recipes without odd ingredients that regular, non-gourmet people (like me) have never even heard of. In spite of this, the dishes are full of flavor so that even a finicky eater such as my fiance enjoys them.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

All Recipes Website

Joined which has loads of excellent recipes and an easy-to-use search engine with lots searching options. You can search for recipes by ingredients, by type of dish (appetizer, entree, etc.), by nutritional elements (if you are on a certain type of diet), or by time needed to prepare and cook the dish. Or you can just browse through the many recipe collections. If you are stuck for meal ideas there is an entire section devoted to "recipes of the day", "recipe roulette", and "meal idea categories".
Once you have decided on your main dish you can then search for a side dish or dessert which will compliment the recipe you have chosen. A very convenient feature.
Another helpful feature is the shopping list generator which will compile an printable ingredient list for the recipes you have choosen.
Last night I tried the BBQ Rib-eye recipe. It was marvelous! The best steak I've ever cooked. Even my fiance loved it!

Friday, August 18, 2006

S.C.A.R.E. - South Carolina Awareness and Rescue for Equines

Make a difference in the lives of abused or neglected horses by volunteering or making a donation S.C.A.R.E. - South Carolina Awareness and Rescue for Equines.
A friend of mine who is getting married this year gave me a very wonderful idea. Instead of wedding gifts, I'm considering encouraging our guests to make a donation to S.C.A.R.E. or a similar charity organization. Especially since we are not really lacking in any of the household necessities. We have both been living on our own for quite a few years and therefore have all the "stuff" we need.
Since my love for animals is such a large part of my life, this would be a very thoughtful "gift" for my friends and family to give us on the most special day of our relationship together. However, my fiance doesn't love horses as much I do :) so maybe he can choose a more appropriate charity or organization to which he would prefer donations to be made in his name. This would also give the added bonus of allowing our guests a choice of charities to which to make their donations.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Celestial Seasonings Teas

Celestial Seasonings has a great line of teas. I love their Cinnamon Apple Spice Herb Tea. They have a whole line of holiday teas which would make excellent christmas presents.

Sims2DNA Cheat and Guide to Pleasantview Townies

I finally found this post on the BBS. Should prove useful to my genetic experiments, much easier than trying to guess by sight. Also found a guide to the precreated townies which should save some time too. - Spotter's Guide to Pleasantview Townies

The SimDNA cheat: See Genetics from inside the game! -notovny
There's a way to do this, allright. There is a cheat in the game that will let you do so. However, it's not a cheat that's normally active. There are two steps to this process: 1. Create a userStartup.cheat file containing the cheat boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true2. Start up the game, enter a house and use the cheat simDNA (firstname)

Step 1: Create a userStartup.cheat file.
A userStartup.cheat file is a file that contains lines of text that are effectively entered into the cheat window at the earliest possible time... during game startup. Even before the game loads neighborhoods. There are many things you can do with a userStartup.cheat file: You can edit it to put in any cheat that you would normally enter as soon as you open the game, so that you don't have to type it every time, or to make aliases to commonly-used cheats, so you can enter them in much shorter forms.
Create a userStartup.cheat file by opening up Notepad or WordPad. Once you've got a new document in it, enter the following line:
boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true
Now save it as userStartup.cheat to the directory My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Config .
When next you start up the game, and every time you start up the game with that file, the cheat will be active., with all that entails. If you're not comfortable with running the game with the debugging cheat active, you can shut it off by entering boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false once the game starts up. Step 2 will still work if you do this.
Step 2: The simDNA cheat.
This will only work if you followed Step 1. Entering the debugging cheat at any other time, even on the neighborhood screen, doesn't enable this cheat.
Once youve followed Step one, you can use the following cheat on any lot to check a Sim's DNA:
simDNA (firstname)
Replace (firstname) with the first name of the Sim. For instance, you can check Daniel Pleasant's DNA by typing "simDNA Daniel" at the Pleasant Household, when he's home.
The simDNA cheat will allow you to check the DNA of any Sim who is on the lot at the time you enter it; You can use it to check the DNA of visitors as well. It doesn't show stats or aspiration, just the genes that Sim is carrying for hair color, eye color, and skin tone.
Edited for accuracy, 6/22: If there are multiple Sims on the lot with the same first name, the cheat will show them all. If the Sim has a two-word first name, like General Buzz Grunt, youll need to surround it in quotes. as in simDNA "General Buzz"
The result will be like this: 6/19 because tinypic lost my picture)
The game will list a pair of genes for Eye Color and Hair Color.. In each pair, the first gene listed is the one that the Sim will show in the game. The Sim carries both genes, and has a 50% chance of passing either one to his offspring. Next is listed the Sim's skin tone, and the range of skin-tones that Sim could have inherited from his parents.
After that is a list of dominant facial features the Sim is carrying. I'm really not sure how to read that.
But it works. It really does.
Special thanks to:LarryHookins, for giving info on the use of userStartup.cheat files and MaxoidTom, for mentioning this little tidbit in this post at ModTheSims2

Edit: This is a wonderful cheat! Now I have all the correct DNA stats for each of my sims. Let the genetic experiments begin! :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Crochet Tops

I got two new crochet books about a week ago: Cool Crochet and So Simple Crochet.
Stopped playing my sims long enough to make a trial run of a cute little halter top (Natalie p.96 of Cool Crochet) over the weekend (8-11 to 8-13). Need to take pics. The beads along the bottom were a nice touch.
Trying the pattern now in Cherry Red Lion Brand Microspun (might be too thick) but my favorite yarn store was closed the only day I could manage to squeeze in my yarn shopping :) Going to see if I can buy some more DK yarn later if this turns out to be too thick.
Edit: Finally got around to finishing the red halter top. Looks great! Due to the thickness of the yarn, I ended up using a F hook instead of the E hook that the pattern called for the halter and edging, and substituted a G hook instead of the D hook for the lacy trim. (8-13 to 8-24)
Need to buy some larger red crystal beads in order to finish the trim.
Also have another idea for an original top I want to try. Finally worked it out in my head enough to draw it out. I think it will work now without too much tweaking. Might need to find a more "stretchy" stitch for it though. Not sure.